Phoenix las vegas gay bar

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The incident is being investigated by officers as homophobic actual bodily harm. The attacker, who is described as white, 6ft tall, with an east European accent, made off in a car. The bar opened in July but in August two men in their mid-20s were threatened by a group of young men who shouted homophobic abuse at them as they left the venue.Īnd in September a woman was punched in the face by a man after leaving the bar.

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She added: “I want to talk to them and say ‘why did you do that?’”

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But for me, it is about inviting those people into the community to educate them and getting them to understand what our community is all about.” It happens in the Philippines, it happens in Las Vegas, it happens here. Jade Phoenix, a trans woman who runs the Zodiac Bar in Junction Road, Archway, with her husband, said: “It was really disheartening. POLICE are investigating two homophobic incidents against customers leaving a new trans and gay bar. Jade Phoenix, who opened the Zodiac Bar in July, admits the attacks have been ‘disheartening’

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